Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Spontaneous Sowing

As a Mum, I need to keep my brain stimulated somehow. This week's attempt at stimulating it came from the spontaneous decision to plant a vege patch and other plants in my empty garden bed. I still can't believe that within 3 or 4 hours, I had bought the plants and planted them all! Woohoo! Thank goodness my Mum could babysit that afternoon!

I am very excited to be growing an array of fruit / vegetables: dwarf lemon tree, orange tree, asparagus, carrots, snowpeas, flat-leaf parsley, curly parsely, chives, cherry tomatoes, butternut and japanese pumpkin, sweetcorn, capsicum and beetroot.

And some other plants too: Jasminium, Scented Boronia, Green Kangaroo Paw,
Blue Salvia, Red Cordylines and two different purple flowering plants whose names I have forgotten.

Can't wait to see which plants survive and what they produce.. very exciting!! :)

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